Press Release: National Manufacturing Day

Press Release – National Manufacturing Day

“On National Manufacturing Day, more than 1,600 American manufacturers will open their doors and take up the important work of inspiring our young people to pursue careers in manufacturing and engineering. Today’s STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) graduates will power the next chapter of American production and innovation, and harnessing their potential is an economic imperative. When our manufacturing base is strong, our entire economy is strong. Today, we continue our work to bolster the industry at the heart of our Nation. With grit and resolve, we can create new jobs and widen the circle of opportunity for more Americans”
President Barack Obama

Cypress, CA-At the turn of the 20th century, manufacturing was what made the United States strong and powerful. Advances in manufacturing technology in the U.S. fueled the growth of the US economy for years. In fact, we were once known as a producer nation-now we are known as a consumer nation.

Currently manufacturing supports an estimated 17.6 million jobs in the United States—about one out of every 6 private sector jobs; however, despite an upward trend in overall production and manufacturing, the portion of U.S. production attributable to manufacturing has steadily declined since 1965. Large increases in the construction, finance, real estate, and services industries have been steadily reducing manufacturing’s impact on overall U.S. production.

In just four years since President Barack Obama issued a presidential proclamation making the first Friday in October, National Manufacturing Day, it has achieved more than 2,600 manufacturing plant tours and events with an estimated 400,000+ attending across the Americas including the US, Mexico and Canada.

One of the successful manufacturing companies in Southern California is Advanex Americas, Inc. They are part of the Advanex Group (, a Global manufacturer specializing in precision engineering and manufacturing solutions and a world leader in Spring and Wireform manufacturing. “Advanex Americas, Inc. has been here in southern California since 1966 and will be celebrating our 50th Anniversary in Southern California later this year” stated Jim Grueser, President and long term California native. “We’re really excited to see the students taking an interest because we strongly believe in educating and training the next generation-in fact, here in Cypress, we are the model for our company’s training curriculum worldwide”.

For Manufacturing Day 2016, Advanex Americas, Inc. will be opening their doors to a whole busload of high school Juniors and Seniors from the local school district through a program coordinated by SELAC WIB (SouthEast Los Angeles County Workforce Investment Board) and the Cerritos College Technology Division. The students will be given a tour of the engineering and manufacturing areas of the factory and educated about how springs are made and what types of jobs are available in the manufacturing field.

National Manufacturing Day event:

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